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Concurrent Sessions
A Seat at the Table: Cementing Occupational Therapy’s Role as Leaders in School Mental Health and Wellness
This presentation aims to serve as a catalyst for practitioners to recognize their distinct value as educational leaders—with knowledge, evidence, and credentials to inform best practice in mental health care for school-aged children and educational staff at all levels. Attendees will engage in 3 meaningful conversations and interactive activities that explore big picture, systems-level thinking, and walk away with resources to create a realistic framework for program implementation.
Speakers: Breanna Lynch, MOT, OTR/L; Natalie Centers
Clinical Justification for Mental Health Occupational Therapy Services: Potential for Application Across Settings
Occupational therapy practitioners can justify services with persons under 21 years old with a mental health diagnosis. Based on real life cases, this session will present clinical reasoning for r application in response to the mental health crisis.
Speaker: Charley Cross, MS, OTR/L
Contributing Author: Tomeico Faison, OTD, OTR/L
A Unique Crisis: Occupational Therapy Programming for Children and Adolescents Experiencing Extended Hospitalization on an Acute Mental Health Unit
Attendees will understand how extended hospitalizations impact occupational therapy treatment on a child and adolescent mental health unit. A diverse collection of case studies will be explored.
Speakers: Meredith O’Hara, OTR/L; Kelli Chen, MS, OTR/L
The Role of Occupational Therapy in an Interdisciplinary Early Childhood Mental Health Clinic: A Hospital-Based Program Example
This presentation will explore the role of OT in an early childhood mental health clinic serving youth with adverse childhood experiences and comorbid developmental delays. OT’s distinct value and the clinic’s interdisciplinary model will be shared.
Speakers: Madison Sternberg, OTR/L; Kristopher West; Kellie Pauley, SLP
Contributing Authors: Megan McKim, MOT, OTR/L; Rob Griffiths, MOT, OTR/L; Samantha Mocarski, CCC-SLP; Lauren Justice
OT in Juvenile Justice: A Need for Regulation Before Cognition
In alignment with AOTA’s commitment to occupational justice, and with the current national state of emergency in children’s mental health, this session will examine client factors, common areas between criminogenic needs and occupational needs, and treatment approaches for juvenile clients within the justice system with the goal to reduce occupational deprivation and equity for all in the promotion of mental health and occupational justice.
Speakers: Lorraine Muntwyler, MOT, OTR/L; Victoria Baker, OTD, OTR/L
Contributing Author: Brandy Corlis
Occupational Therapy’s Role in the Continuum of Care for Youth and Adolescents With Eating Disorders
Eating disorders often present in adolescence and have an impact on occupational engagement. This session will explore the role of OT in treating the occupational needs of youth with eating disorders across the care continuum offered at a large urban hospital.
Speakers: Erin Meinert, OTD, OTR/L; Shelley Casto, MS, OTR/L, BCP, CPST
Contributing Author: Katherine Mount, OTR/L
Insights Into the Sensory Processing Needs of Adolescents Living in Out of Home Care: Assessment and Advocacy
This session will highlight lessons learned from a study of the sensory needs of adolescents in out-of-home care and examine opportunities for advocacy, interprofessional education, responsive assessment, and access to OT services.
Speakers: Melissa Khosla, OTD, OTR; Rachel Timmons
Considerations for Occupational Therapy Practice With LGBTQIA+ Youth With Mental Health Needs: The Importance of Informed and Affirming Care
Aligning with AOTA’s commitment to honoring diversity and inclusion in practice, this session will examine methods for providing culturally competent, ethical, and evidence-based OT services to LGBTQIA+ youth, emphasizing the value of affirming care.
Speakers: Megan McKim, MOT, OTR/L; Madeline Davis Rowley, OTD, OTR/L; Eliza Gunner, MOT, OTR/L
Contributing Author: Brianne Curl, MOT, OTR/L, SCFES, CLC
Examining and Selecting Assessments That are Inclusive of Diverse Service Recipients
This presentation will help therapists understand the process of identifying assessments that are meaningful and accessible to marginalized populations, and reflect diversity of race, ethnicity, socioeconomic level, disability, and gender identity.
Speakers: Sharon Gutman, PhD, OTR/L, FAOTA; Kathleen O’Day; Sandra Rogers, PhD, OTR/L, Rutgers