Amy Y. Burton OTD, OTR/L
Assistant Dean for student Affairs
Professor of occupational therapy
Western New England University.
EARN: .1 AOTA CEUs (1 Contact Hour/1.25 NBCOT PDUs)
Course description
As you are aware, psychosocial factors impact all people—including adults and children-- and can impact the ability of individuals to participate in desired and important occupations. This course covers the topic of social and emotional learning (SEL) and wellbeing specific to adolescents in middle school. The stage of young adolescents is a very complex and is when a students' identity and personality are shaped by their experiences. SEL is an integral aspect of a middle schooler's learning. To be an OT practitioner able to practice according to a holistic and client centered frame of reference, it is important for OT/OTAs to know why SEL is important, how to assess related issues and how to provide helpful interventions.
Learning Objectives
Following this course, the learner will be able to…
1. Describe the role of OT in social and emotional learning (SEL).
2. Identify ways in which social and emotional development in middle school youth is challenged.
3. Discuss the benefits of SEL in middle school.
4. Identify various strategies that enhance occupational engagement and social and emotional skill development.
Audience: Occupational Therapists and Occupational Therapy Assistants
Learning level: Intermediate